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Acts & Statues of Parliament

The Current Acts and Statues for Whitney Toll Bridge
1780 Act 20 Geo. III Cap. XXVII entitled “An Act for building a Bridge across the River Wye, between Whitney and Clifford, in the County of Hereford”
1797 Act 37 Geo. III Cap. LVI entitled “An Act to amend an Act made in the twentieth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for building a Bridge across the River Wye, between Whitney and Clifford, in the County of Hereford.”
2015 No.1404 the Whitney-on-Wye Bridge (Revison of Tolls) Order 2015
“The Herefordshire County Council, (Road Restriction) (No.2) Order, 1953” or “HCC (RR)(2) 1953”

This order that sets the weight limit for the Whitney-on-Wye Bridge.

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